Where every bicycle unlocks a universe of possibilities.
We’re a dedicated non-profit organisation based in Colombia, committed to changing lives by giving underprivileged children the gift of brand-new bicycles. Join us in this journey of empowerment and joy!
Number of bicycles delivered
Number of children assisted
Transform a life, donate a bike. Your support enables us to not only gift a bicycle but to ignite a lifelong passion for learning and exploration. Help us turn dreams into tangible realities for those who need it most.”
By engaging in cultural exchanges and joint projects, we help communities understand and appreciate the diverse world they are a part of, promoting a sense of global unity and cooperation.
Each bicycle brings a tale of empowerment and opportunity, like that of Maria, a 12-year-old who now rides to school, cutting her travel time and gaining safety and independence.
We dedicate ourselves to transforming the lives of underprivileged children by not only providing a means of transport but a symbol of hope and a source of joy.
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+ 44 7585 - 238 - 555
California 62639
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